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Re-entry Petition/Public Consultation.

You need a re-entry visa if you have permission to remain in Ireland for longer than 90 days and if you travel using a passport issued by a visa required country or a travel document issued by certain countries.

Recently, the On-Line Appointments service for customers seeking Re-entry Visas from Re-entry Division, Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service were ceased from Monday, 3 September, 2018 with the exception of emergency re-entry visa on-line appointments. All applications for re-entry visas will now be received through the registered post postal system. Customers are advised to submit their postal applications 5 to 6 weeks prior to travel.

This change was met by an outrage by the immigrant community and an online petition was set up by Sanjay Shende on iPetitions. Please sign it here:

The petition signed by 1,000 people was later submitted to the Honourable Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan on 28th August 2018.

This was later picked up by University Times!

"International students have responded angrily to the government’s decision to discontinue the online appointment system for the allocation of re-entry visas, with fears that it will make it more difficult for non-EU students living in Ireland to travel abroad." - Jack Synnott

Blain Gaffney, Parliamentary Assistant to Deputy McLoughin successfully raised it as a parliamentary question.

Below is a screenshot of Parliamentary Question on re-entry visas for Non-EU raised by Deputy McLoughin. 

Re-entry visa requirement is kept under regular review and if we are able to submit a strong petition we might just get it abolished or have a better system.

"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." - John Wooden

21st January 2019 at Starbucks, I thank the brave souls who embraced this evening's unexpected weather conditions and came to Starbucks to meet me over a cup of coffee.

Some very interesting points were raised at the meeting that will become core pillars of my final letter to the Honourable Minister and INIS requesting to abolish the re-entry visa accompanied with 3000+ signatures.


Success at last!



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