Over the last few months, I've been approached by a number of individuals who are stuck in the system, whether it's a delayed work permit application or a join family permit application held at the Irish embassy in India, or any other personal problems/issues such as a SUSI grant or being unable to obtain an emergency hospital appointment; this is how to contact your local T.D.

1. Firstly, make sure you are approaching the right person.
Using the websites listed below identify who your local TD or councillor is by visiting the Oireachtas website or Who is my TD? however, if you have a concern about a particular topic, such as justice, please contact the party's spokesman for that issue; this information is easily accessible on their website.
2. Highlight that you are their constituent.
TDs and Councillors are extremely busy individuals who receive numerous emails, letters, and other correspondence daily and are assisted by political staff. Thus, you must clearly identify that you live in the constituency, share your address and contact information, and allow them to easily contact you.
3. Be nice
If you contact a TD, be courteous and provide all required information. If you are impolite, you will almost certainly not get a response.
4. If you do not receive a response within 2 weeks, kindly call them to inquire or ask for a meeting.
Inquire about meeting your local TD or clinic hours. Most TDs or their staff host these events, which have open hours when you may come in and talk to them about your problem.
Clinic hours may be found on your representative's website or Facebook page.
If you're heading to a clinic, make sure you have all of the required paperwork, including reference numbers, PPS numbers, and any letters or papers related to the issue.

Register to vote!
Public officials often prefer to assist or give priority to individuals who are registered to vote in their constituency; if your local TD is unwilling to assist you, ensure that you are registered so that you may use your vote to elect someone who will! *The Irish constitution allows non-EUs to vote in Local Elections.
Here is a fillable form that you can print and post to your local TD/Councillor.
Replace Deputy with Minister or Councillor as appropriate.

I hope this is of assistance to you. Good luck!